I recently completed my interview with Yale SOM with a 2nd year student. Everyone with admissions was very nice and made me feel very welcomed. I went into a small interview room with the student interviewer and sat down. He asked me to walk him through my resume and to focus on a few key points. The style was very conversational and the interviewer made me feel very comfortable. He seemed most interested in having me explain my decisions. He asked me to explain why I chose my undergraduate school, why I chose my particular extracurriculars, and why I came to work for the organization I did. He also asked me some of the usual interview questions like “Why an MBA” and “Why Yale.” I was able to integrate my experience working with a non-profit organization into the interview, which seemed to fit very well with the school’s focus on business as a means for social impact.
Overall, the interview was pleasant and low-key. I prepared by reading the other postings on this website and they helped a lot. The interviewer seemed much more interested in getting to know me and my thought processes behind key decisions in my life than getting a list of my accomplishments. Good luck!