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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom Officer / Video Skype

I completed by video interview with Yale with an AdCom officer, about a month ago. This being my first interview I was really nervous and I am pretty sure I gave some wrong/ incomplete answers. Nevertheless here are the questions she asked me

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What did you like doing in your free time at college
  • Why did you pick that (undergrad) school/ what made you pick company ABC for your first job, what did you like most there/ did you like your team?/ what made you switch countries
  • What are your short term goals – I said I wanted to work in XYZ sector, she followed up with a “What division would you want to be part of” – that threw me off I wasn’t prepared to answer that question
  • Imagine you are a 2nd year student at a job interview with the company you want to work for, how would you sell yourself given that you don’t have a good background in that field (I am planning to switch functions)- this was very tricky and again i was caught off guard, but I had prepared what classes I like about Yale and how I could use them so I rambled on about that for a bit and I am safely say it wasn’t all that good.
  • What are your long term goals – I said I wanted to start my own business – she asked me can you tell me what sectors you would be really interested in
  • How will Yale help you achieve your long and short term goals?
  • Do you have any questions for me – I thought it would be a 2nd year student, like all other reviews mention and I didn’t really have a question for her, so I asked her something I genuinely had not researched.

As part of the questions above, I am not quiet sure where, we covered the Why MBA and Why Now too

In the middle of the interview there was some power outage at Yale, then the internet went on and off a couple times and then finally we decided to finish up the interview on the phone.

Again like I mentioned this was my first interview and it gave me a lot of other things to think about for my subsequent interviews, I don’t think I was 100% prepared for some of the questions. It wasn’t as relaxed as some of the people have mentioned below.
Good luck with your interviews 🙂