I interviewed for Yale’s fulltime MBA program in rd1 right before thanksgiving.
Yale’s campus looks impressive from the outside (a compound of ancient mansions and buildings that make you feel like you’re in Rome). SOM’s facilities were less than impressive on the inside. This will hopefully improve once their new facilities are constructed, but for someone entering in fall 09, it was a turnoff.
My interview was with a second year student and lasted 30 minutes. I wonder if this is a strategy for their interviews, or if this guy just had a bad day, but my interviewer was very cold. I doubt if he smiled even once during our conversation, which is very inconsistent with the other interviews and conversations I had with other schools an other Yalies. The two guys who led my campus tour were very warm and outgoing.
My interview was semi-blind (he had resume, but not essays), and he asked me a lot of details about my resume and why I made job and city changes, etc. He also asked behavioral / situational questions (i.e. tell me about a time when…) in addition to the why mba / why yale / why now.