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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-Campus / Alumni / Accepted!

Both my interviews were off campus.

My first interviewer was with a guy who currently works in a senior position at an investment bank. We set up in the interview over lunch in the financial district.

The interview lasted about any hour. He asked:

  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Did you apply to any other schools? Why?

The interviewer then proceeded to tell me that he has interviewed numerous candidates for the school and knew what to look for. He spoke highly of his experience and thought it was a very international school. The interview went successfully and he promised to keep in touch, which he did.

My second interviewer was female who is currently in private wealth management. This interview lasted no more than 40 minutes. She asked:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • Why now? I am a younger applicant (with four years experience however, working in different countries), but she said her personal experience lead her to conclude that it is more rewarding to go when you have more experience.
  • What is my career plan? How does INSEAD fit into this plan?

The interviewer spent most of the interview trying to tell me why now is not a good time. Perhaps she was play devil’s advocate.

Both interviewers were professional although one was significantly more friendly and casual than the other. I was left with a positive impression of the school.

Result: accepted