It was a very relaxed environment, and all the standard questions were asked (format was very much conversational, not just shooting off questions):
- Why Anderson?
- Why MBA?..they did not ask why now, but that’s because I answered it organically via another question
- One specific question came (since my focus will be entrepreneurial) that I did not prepare for: can you tell me how you plan to start your business? They knew I was going to biz school for that reason, but they just wanted to make sure I’ve thought out what I want to do.
I had a few minutes left to ask a few questions, and got out of there pretty much on time.
The best advice I can give is this: it’s more important why you say what you do than what you say. In other words, be passionate and have conviction. I interview a lot in my current job, and I’ll honestly go more off of the “feeling” I get with people than what their resume says. We hire (or accept) those who are like us. If you get an interview, you’re most likely already a viable candidate.
Best of luck all