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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions

I had some questions about how my Stanford interview went, so I’ll give a bit of an overview about how it went.

I did the interview with a local alumi. He chose to do it at a local steak-house at 4pm since it would be fairly quiet and we wouldn’t be disturbed. I suppose ppl think it is a bit unorthodox, but I knew many people that had an interview at a Starbucks or whatnot, and it was loud, smelly, unpleasant, etc. It usually isn’t up to you to pick the place, but I would try to steer clear of such noisy places.

The interview started well. We exchanged business cards. He explained when he went to the GSB, what he did before, and what he is doing now. I’ll leave out the details because they dont’ really matter.

So he had my resume in front of him and asked me to go through my career progress. Remember for this part, don’t take up too much time, only hit the important parts, since any wasted time will take away from other other important topics.

After going through the resume he started hitting the harder questions. I do remember answering them, and I must have answered them ok. I’ll go over some of the questions I do remember, and I remember the general tone was much harder than any of my other interviews. Here’s some questions I remember:

What are you good at? How did you handle bad feedback from a boss? What book are you reading and what meaning/lessons do you get out of it? (That one really threw me) Surprisingly the why mba, etc questions. He only had my resume, no essays, which in someways makes it easier. Explain a time when one of my leaders was performing poorly.

That’s about it. I remember going in, coming out, and various flashes in the middle.