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Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-campus / Adcom / Accepted!

I interviewed on campus in January. School was not fully in session when I visited, but all the first year students were around for their Immersions. As such, walking around at Sage Hall, I was able to converse with multiple current students regarding their experience.

I would highly recommend doing the info session BEFORE the interview. I found it very helpful, and was able to relate what I saw during the information session to answer questions of why I was a good fit at Cornell during the interview.

My interview was with an adcom member in the late afternoon. She was very cordial, and being my first MBA interview experience, it was very simple. Having read all the previous Clear Admit interview experiences, and having practiced my answers out loud extensively (probably 3 or 4 run throughs with another person) I was prepared for all of her questions.

They included:

  • Walk me through your resume/life story.
  • Why MBA?
  • Why now?
  • Why Cornell?
  • What immersion would you be interested in and why?
  • What 3 qualities do you believe a leader must have? Which of these is your weakest?
  • Tell me about the most difficult professional experience you’ve had.
  • What other schools are you applying to and why?
  • What questions do you have for me?

She also went over a couple of the activities that I had listed on my resume. If there is something regarding your extracirriculars you would like to talk about, I advise putting it on your resume. Also, a couple of these questions were in response to something that I said, so it is possible to lead the conversation in the direction that you desire.

I was accepted in R2 with a partial scholarship. Good luck to everyone!