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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Off-Campus / Round 1 (interviewed after waitlist)

Originally shared by MBAStarter

Interviewed with a Fuqua Alum in Bangalore a couple of weeks back. My interviewer gave me a good picture of life at Duke. It was nice to meet someone so passionate about his alma mater.

The interview was pretty much on expected lines. We went on to discuss almost everything I could pack in my application. Some questions I remember were:

  1. Tell me about your family
  2. Info about my undergraduate institute
  3. My decision to join IT after graduating in a non-computer science field
  4. Experiences at work. Why job switch?
  5. What is my idea of a leader? What are my leadership experiences
  6. Which leader inspires me the most and why
  7. Why MBA
  8. Why now
  9. Why Fuqua
  10. What other schools have I applied to and why
  11. If he were the director of admissions and asked me why Duke should take me, what would my reply be in 30 seconds
  12. A situation where I have let someone down.
  13. Any questions I have for him.

The best part of the interview was when he told me enthusiastically about his own experience at Duke. How they used to camp outside for days to get tickets for Duke Basketball matches. How everyone is so friendly and involved, and how education at Duke has really made a difference to his outlook.

Considering that I have been waitlisted by Duke, I feel that the interview should do me no harm.