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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Second Year Student / On-Campus / Round 2

Originally shared by AGirlsMBA

I interviewed on-campus with a 2nd-year student. My day started early as I attended a class on accounting which started at 8 in the morning! The class was interesting, but students definitely seemed less engaged than they had been at HBS. However, this probably can be attributed both to the fact that it was 8 in the morning and that we’re talking about accounting here. Fuqua is undergoing construction (which they really don’t need since the building is already big and nice – ah, the cost of Real Estate in North Carolina), which won’t be done until Fall 2008. After the class I sat and chilled in the lounge with other applicants until my interview. my interview came and picked me up from the lounge and took me upstairs to a conference room (I think in the Career Management Center). The interview questions (that I can remember):

  • Tell me about your career change
  • Why is now specifically a good time for your MBA
  • Why Fuqua
  • Tell me about a bad leadership experience
  • What are your strengths
  • Tell me about a good and bad team experience
  • After you graduate in 2 years what do you think your peers and faculty would say your biggest impact was in your yeras here?
  • What specifically are you looking for in a business school?
  • What do you think your contribution would be to your learning team?
  • Anything else you haven’t told me?

Then I asked him some questions about Fuqua and that was it. All in all it was about 35 minutes, which he commented was “one of the shortest interviews he’s ever done!”. Of course, this made me very nervous and uneasy, and so I asked him if this is a negative point and he said “no no, not at all. It’s good because I can tell that you’ve practiced and/or interviewed before because you got across the pertinent information without rambling”. So I think it went well.

After that I had lunch with students and a tour of the building. All in all a good visit and a quick turnaround (Decisions will be out March 8th!)