A second year candidate who was fairly reserved and discerning conducted the interview. Because of this the interview seemed more formal than some of the others I have had. The interviewer was in a class I visited earlier in the day, so he asked me what I thought of it. He had a copy of my resume. The first question was the standard “walk me through your resume”.
Additional questions:
- If you were going to assemble an ideal team, who would you choose for it and why?
- What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
- Describe a time when you led a team.
- How do you solve conflicts?
- Why do you want to attend Duke?
- Q&A.
The interview was long, about an hour. A number of times the interviewer keyed off one of my answers, and asked additional questions. (Why did you do that? What makes you say x?) I had heard from current students that the interviews at Duke are more of a formality and that the school mostly wants to find out whether you are interested in Fuqua and would be a good fit. However, because of its length and the types of questions asked, this interview seemed very thorough.