I interviewed in late Nov ‘05 with a Duke Alum. The interview lasted for more than 2 hours in an international location.
Apart from the questions already discussed here, I can think of a few more:
- Which other schools are you applying to? What if you get admitted to all the schools on your list? ( I was made comfortable and asked for my honest opinion with reasons for or against each school)
- What defines your leadership style?
- Tell me 6 qualities you would expect in your leader (Supervisor).
- Give me a situation where you were part of a team and things didn’t go well because of you. Then, tell me of a situation where you made things work in a team environment.
- What if you have a domineering participant in a meeting being chaired by you?
- How would you choose your business partner?
- Do you follow a certain philosophy in life?
- What do your parents think about you?
- What questions do you have for the adcom?
It was one of my best interviews in terms of its detail and content.