I arrived about 30 minutes early, sat in the lobby and just playing notes in my head on things I want to make sure I cover…
- Meet and greet, quick ice-breaker about weather (foggy day) and she explained that interview will be 30 min, including time for me to ask questions; I handed over my transcript.
- Any updates since you submitted your app? (I talked about a recent promotion)
- Give me an example of a situation when expectations were not met (talked about a personal situation that I solved)
- Give me a personal goal you have set or are working on (talked about working out, had some fun chit chat about dessert)
- Proudest accomplishment (talked about a presentation at work I made to the senior management; I pulled out a copy of the ppt, she did not seem too interested so not sure if that helped or not)
- Greatest risk taken (talked about my immigration process, then digressed to talk about my family and shared some common background)
- Tell me when you had a challenging conversation (talked about a meeting at work)
- Tell me about someone you had difficulty communicate with (talked about a distant co-worker)
- Tell me when you had to resolve a conflict between two people (talked about managing/preventing conflict among my direct reports)
- What do you do outside of work (talked about modeling)
My turn to ask questions, finished in 30 minutes on the dot.
I thought I would only get through 5-6 questions but our conversation went very smoothly so we ended up covering a lot, she did not follow up on any of my questions though… I almost used all of my prepared examples and had to come up with a few on the spot. So lesson learned is to always have plenty stories in case they really tackle a specific category of questions! My interviewer was somewhat poker-faced in the beginning and at the end, but she did relax and laugh with me during our conversation. So hopefully all went well and I’ll hear back soon!