My interview began on time and my interviewer began by putting me at ease nothing that this will be more of a conversational interview. He then stated the directions previously given in the Sloan interview prep document regarding the behavioral interview format Sloan uses. The interviewer was quite cordial and the tone of the interview was very relaxed. We wound up having an enjoyable conversation and even chuckled a few times. Below are the questions I was asked and some personal commentary for some questions.
Tell me about your company. (I work for a relatively small company so this was a fair question and easy way to begin the interview)
Tell me about something you’re proud of in this past year. ( This seems to be a common question this year. I saw it posted somewhere on a message board and sure enough it was asked so I was well prepared for it.)
Tell me about a time you worked with someone you didn’t want to work with. (simple rephrase of a difficult interaction question. Something you should note while preparing is you shouldn’t be too rigid with your preparation such that if you receive a slight variation or reworded question you have a difficult time relating it to a more common or broader question.)
Tell me about a time where you annoyed someone with your actions. (a play off the typical weakness question)
why MBA ( I briefly stated my general reason for why MBA then went into full tilt about why Sloan)
I was also asked about an industry which is similar to mine but not exactly close enough for me to comment on it in detail. This surprised me a bit but there was little I could do to prepare for this sort of question.
Finally I was asked if I had visited campus.
Throughout the interview, as many others have noted, your answers will be probed so anything you same may and probably will be challenged. In that regard select what you say carefully so that you can defend it if challenged or probed.