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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision (Waitlisted) / Telephone

Just completed a telephonic interview with Tuck. (I apped in EA round, was waitlisted and then they wrote back saying that they would like to interview me)

The interview was very generic. There were no surprises. It wasn’t a blind interview. I believe she had my full application in front of her or at least, had gone through that in full.

Here are the Qs asked in the exact order that they were asked:

  • Tell me something about yourself covering your education, work-ex and your motivation for an MBA. (Answered as usual, but while covering work-ex, mentioned the switch from company X to company Y and underlined that company Y is very selective. (This was a lesson from Goizueta Interview 😀 ) )
  • You mentioned company Y is very selective. Why do you think so? And why did they select you? (Explained the rigorous process. As expected, she was impressed. 🙂 Then, mentioned my traits like technical excellence, problem solving skills and teamwork)
  • Tell us about a work-related team-story. (Told)
  • What do your colleagues admire most about you? ( Quoted some qualities, with example. got appreciation)
  • Motivation for an MBA now. (Told, she sounded convinced)
  • Why Tuck? (Explained in detail, Clubs, courses, reputation; connected with my goals; she liked my homework)
  • How did you get to know about Tuck? (Told the whole story starting with the first time I saw the name in one of the rankings to the alum-hosted admission event. Mentioned how I loved the way their alum stood for them once they needed to postpone the visit. Told them how even I am connected strongly with my alma-mater. She liked this.)
  • Tell us tour involvement with Toastmasters. (Explained in detail how TM made me a better speaker, better leader and a better person. Mentioned that I’d like to rejuvenate Tuckmasters, the now defunct TM club of Tuck. She complimented me on that saying that TM is really a gr8 organization to be involved with.)
  • Any additional info that you’d like admissions-committee to know. ( Told about recent updates from work-front. She again sounded impressed and asked me to send a detailed note for this.)

Next, she asked if i have any specific Qs related to the WL process or anything else. Here r the Qs i asked:

  • Next step for WL candidates. (Nothing. It’s a long wait and all the waitlisted candidates would be evaluated at the end of last round. )
  • What about internationals? Don’t you encourage internationals to apply early to avoid Visa-hassles?? ( Yup, They are seeing to it that if possible, international candidates are notified a bit earlier. But that too will take at least a couple of months.)
  • Any chance of school/finaid for us. (School: no chances, all decisions with admit-decisions; finaid: chances are there.)
  • Possibility of a no-cosigner loan? (Tuck is still looking, but the last she knew, there was no improvement in situation.)

Overall, the interview went very well. I was very confident this time. (Goizueta effect maybe) I guess it was the kind that would have got me a seat at Tuck, had it been a regular interview. Even now i guess it may fetch me a seat some time in May.