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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Admission-Initiated

We met in his office. Pleasant and laid back interview. He told me the interviews were casual and I did not need to wear a suit. He already had my resume printed, but I brought a resume binder & resume just in case.

  • Tell me about yourself and why you are applying for an MBA
  • Why did you choose your firm
  • Tell me about a team member that was difficult to deal with
  • Tell me about your involvement in your community service
  • Tell me about a failure or weakness
  • What do you think you can bring to Tuck, given that the students are so close and many have a lot more experience than you
  • What type of classes would you want to take at Tuck
  • Where is your favorite place you traveled

I asked what clubs / activities he did and what advice he would give to me for activities to join.

Right at ~60 minutes.