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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Tuck invites all applicants to come visit the school and interview before (or right after) you apply. I scheduled my interview for the end of the day, so that I could participate in all the events they line up for applicants before my interview. At the beginning of the day, I was paired up with a current student and went to class and lunch with him. Then, there was a campus tour, followed by a brief Q&A with an AdCom. I think it is wise to schedule your interview for the end of the day because the interviewer really wants to find out why you want to go to Tuck and the events of the day can help you decide for yourself whether Tuck is right for you.


  • Walk-through of my resume, starting from undergrad. Wanted to know what I was involved in outside of class in undergrad.
  • Why MBA? Which led to discussion of what my goals were after school and what my dream goal is.
  • Why Tuck? (This is very important to them and it seems they ask everyone this)
  • Tell about a time / how I work in teams.
  • Tell about a time / how I lead.
  • How will I get involved in Tuck, outside of class? (what groups and activities?)

I felt prepared for each of these questions, except the last one because based on talks I’ve had with current students and alumni, it seems that between course-work and recruiting, students have little time for extra-curriculars, especially in the demanding Fall Term. Anyway, in general, I’d like to say that people were extremely friendly here and that they really are looking for fit and people who know what they’re getting into in terms of the location of the school.