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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action Round / AdCom / Accepted

My interview was scheduled at 9:00 AM at the School. I was interviewed by an AdCom member and a trainee 2nd year student. The interviewers made me feel very comfortable. I was also helped by the fact that I approached it as a conversation rather than an interview. It was resume based and along the standard lines of “Walk me through the resume” , “Why Tuck” etc. We talked a bit about my extra-curricular activities too. I was asked a couple of questions on how my peers viewed me as a person. After that answer I was asked how did my friends view me as a person. The interviewers also tried to find out how I had researched Tuck, whether through alumni contacts/websites etc. [I had mainly researched the website]. The Post-MBA questions were very direct and I did everything short of naming the company I wanted to work for post MBA [or maybe I did name the company :)]

It was a short interview. Barely stretched 20 minutes. But I was surprised at myself regarding the amount of information I was able to convey in that time 🙂 I made sure that I got across concrete examples of all my qualities, activities and work experiences. It didnt really make that much of a difference that the interview was prior to the class visits.

Just make sure that you know exactly why you want to be at Tuck. Be sure of your career goals and be honest. It helps!