I was never comfortable during the interview. I figure I am better in a face-to-face interview than in a phone setup. The questions:-
- Walk me through your resume.
- Why MBA/Tuck/Now?
- How do you know if you are a good fit for Tuck?
- Examples of teamwork.
- How do you handle a diffilcult team mate?
- If you had one year completely off, what would you do?
- Any questions for the interviewer.
The interview lasted about 20 mins. It did not help at all that it was Diwali night in India with loud firecracker noises in the background. It was a very average interview for me and it showed in the final result, I was dinged. I guess Tuck’s interview is more of a fit interview and you must know a great deal about Tuck to be able to convincingly demonstrate why Tuck?