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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum

I completed my interview with an alum in Bangalore at a local coffee-shop, was very casual, and we spent a significant amount of time chatting about his MBA experience at Ross.

Main questions:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • Why Ross
  • Why an MBA now
  • Describe your key learnings in the last (4) years of your experience
  • Short and long term goals
  • I expressed my interest in strategy so he asked me to describe a strategy ive seen in m current job profile
  • we talked about returning to India and working in India
  • My experience working in a team…what would I do if I was in a team with alot of strong personalities
  • Describe how you turned around a difficult team experience.
  • Talked about highlights in my resume
  • Why I wanted to stay in pharma/healthcare, touched on various subjects within the pharma industry exchanging ideas.

All in all it was pretty informal. My advice be yourself, talk about your networking efforts and how much trouble you took to learn about the school.

Good Luck!