- what should I know about you? (threw me a but off; took it as “walk me through your resume”
- why an mba
- what if you don’t get in? (back up plan/try again/figure it out thru experience)
- why ross
- tell me a time that you failed
- tell me about a time you were in a team that dealt with a lot of obstacles (be sure to include what you learned for next time!)
- tell me about a time you showed initiative
- how would you be involved outside of class?
there might have been others, but she said my initial review covered a lot of what she needed (had a checklist/form she was trying to make sure she had info for) 30 min total, 5 min for questions she said i did much more research on ross than she had! (maybe that’s a good thing?) the admissions desk by phone had told me the person would have seen my app; but this felt like a pretty blind interview!
Other notes:
- Stayed the night in Lamp Post Inn. On the older/simpler side, but cheapest best option. And find if you get in late and leave early! Free breakfast – basic bagels, coffee, jams/butter/cream cheese, quaker oat packets to make, break, english muffins, juice (starts at 6am)…owner is nice, retired, graduated from ross in ’60’s….. 5 min/ 9 buck (w/ tip) taxi from campus. Call blue cab or yellow cab the day before for a pick up.
- was told by tour guide that tho they say it doesn’t matter about doing interviews off campus, they really like it if you come to campus. they want to see you excited about the school
- if you haven’t been before, highly recommend “VIP” with q&a, tour, class & lunch (all with ambassadors) 8:30-1…My interview was at 2pm and that was fine; got me energized!
- if you have luggage you can leave it in the office closet, and they’re very casual; I wore jeans and boots and changed into suit before interview