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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-campus / Alumnus

Courtesy of Indian86

I had an [blind] alum interview for Ross in India this November’09. He was very cool person, and he told how the interview would proceed. About 50 minutes for the interview, and 10 minutes for me to ask him questions

List of interview questions

  • Walk me through your resume in about 6 minutes? (Had some cross questions such as why I left company X, why I joined Y. Why left X only in 1 year)
  • International exposure – working with counterparts in country X? What did I learn from them? Their charachterstics, etc
  • Other cross questions from resume such as how I reached this 20% productivity in my org, how I quantified it? How I measured this figure?
  • Some hypothetical questions about my interest in a sport – such as Even with 1 billion people, why India is lagging in this sport? What would I do if I become sports secretary for this sport so as to make sure India triumps in this sport?
  • Questions on long term goal, short term goal, why ross, why mba?
  • Which clubs I will join?
  • What I have done to connect with Ross?
  • What does Leadership means to me?
  • Failure at Work?
  • Challenging time in Life?

The interview was much interactive, with time given to think for response, cross-questions, probing, etc. I was surprised by hypothetical questions, and too much probing. Overall it was a nice Experience. Alum was very friendly, and he treated me well.