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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alumni / R1

Had some trouble with the logistics because of weather and construction. Arrived early to calm the nerves and prepare. Setting was a typical corporate environment (the alumnus’s work location). Started very informal as we walked to a conference room (chatted about the weather and my commute). When we got comfortable in the conference room the alumnus then launched into the standard questions. After about 30 minutes, when it came time for me to ask questions, it became much more conversational.
Alumnus Questions posed:

  • Tell me a little about yourself?
  • Tell me a little about the positions you’ve worked in?
  • Why MBA? Why now? Why Ross?
  • There are a lot of clubs and activities @ Ross, what do I bring to the table, how will I contribute?
  • What are my goals after school?
  • Tell me about a time where you lead a group, what was the outcome, what did you learn?
  • Anything else?
  • Any questions for me (alumnus)?

I asked a lot of questions about the alumnus’s experience and I tried to be an active listener (using the alumnus’s comments to ask more questions).
What did you think of the interview?

I enjoyed the conversation and experience, although I think I did horribly in the interview (lack of eye contact, I rambled on the team question, entire interview I didn’t focus the conversation and I felt I went on too many tangents, etc…).

What surprised you?

I was admitted! Despite, I think, a poor interview.

What didn’t surprise you?

Standard questions, nothing I didn’t really anticipate.

What might you conclude about the school based on this experience?

Wonderful, and forgiving, alumni (the interviewing alumnus was very articulate and a good listener). Don’t worry too much if you think you screwed up the interview.