Overall the interview was very conversational and I probably over-prepared using the questions on this site and others. My interviewer was friendly and was definitely familiar with my application and my profile.
- How did you choose to attend [undergrad A]?
- Walk me through your background, how did you end up at [company A) after college?
- He made a reference to my post MBA goal, asked me to elaborate on specifically what I want to do.
- Talked about the state of the economy, importance of students/applicants being flexible in their career endeavors. If your goal doesn’t work out, what is your plan B?
- Why Stern? (I had already addressed why MBA in beginning of #3, otherwise I think he would have asked that)
- What 2 clubs do you see yourself engaging with?
- What are 2 skills you gained at your last job?
- What is the greatest challenge you faced at your job?
He turned it over to me for questions, then said I’d hear back within 3 weeks (or to call him directly if I don’t by then), but said he’d expect that I’d hear back sooner than that.