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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On campus / Adcom

Applied in late December, received the invitation to interview roughly four weeks later. My interview was conducted on campus by a female member of the admissions committee. The Adcom seemed to be intimately familiar with my application, resume and essays and many of the common questions listed in other posts on this site were asked in a way that was specific to my background. The interview last roughly 45 minutes, after which I had the opportunity to have lunch with a current student. I received my decision via email less than a week after my interview.

Here are the questions I was asked (as best as I can recall, and in no particular order):

  • Why NYU?
  • Why an MBA and why now?
  • Where else have you applied?
  • If you’re admitted to all of the schools you applied to, how will you decide which to attend?
  • Which two clubs are you most interested in?
  • If 25 years from now you were asked to return to Stern to speak, how would you want to be introduced?
  • Why i-banking ?
  • What are some companies in this field that you might like to work for?
  • What if you can’t find a job in this field?
  • Tell me about a time when you were on a team that didn’t work well together?
  • How did you end up in your current position? Take me through your career to this point.
  • Tell me about a time you failed.
  • She concluded by asking me if there was anything else the adcom should know about me that we didn’t cover

Make sure you work details about the school into your answers.

Very conversational, not many follow-up questions. Much less stressful than other interviews I’ve been through. I got the feeling that she was pulling for me.