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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum / Off-Campus

Dates – Submitted 10/06/2010, Under Review 10/22/2010, Interview Invite 12/06/2010, Interview Date 12/15/2010, Report Completed 12/15/2010, Accepted 12/23/2010

I scheduled the interview with an alum in my city. It was held in his office and the setting was informal. He put me at ease right away and the questions came up naturally in conversation rather than in interview style.


  • Walk me through your resume
  • Have you enjoyed working with people? leading to a conversation about my experience with working in teams.
  • What did you do when there was a conflict in your team?
  • Columbia students live and die by their cluster. If you found someone in your cluster who was not responsible, how would work around this?
  • Achievement, achievement, achievement. You could easily be an MD in the next 7-10 years. Why do you want to leave this job and go to Columbia?
  • How would you get involved with the life in Columbia?
  • Any questions for me?