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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus

I interviewed with an alumnus at his place of work on 10/21/09 for Early Decision. The setting wasn’t totally casual but it was somewhat conversational. I was asked the following questions:

  • Why Columbia?
  • Why now? (I had been laid off from work and subsequently started a new job and he wanted to know why I didn’t want to stay at the new job… It wasn’t on the career path I was looking for.)
  • What will I bring to Columbia?
  • Leadership example
  • Teamwork example
  • Example of a time I faced an ethical dilemma
  • What career am I pursuing and why?
  • Follow-up to #7 (I want to go into equity research) – asked for a stock pick with support.

The basic takeaway I have to offer from this experience is to really know yourself and your goals. If I didn’t have a stock pick ready, it would have shown that I am not as passionate about my chosen profession as I should be.

My status went complete on 10/28/09 and I was accepted on 11/12/09. Good luck everyone!