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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alumni / Off-campus

just had my alumni interview for Columbia Business School earlier this week:

i was asked many questions that were posted on this wiki already — why mba / why now / why columbia what other schools am i applying to ethical dilemma, leadership style, teamwork example, example of a time i faced adversity, how i dealt with a conflict at work. what will i do if i do not get into business school what is unique about me what will i contribute to columbia what is on my ipod

how i prepared: i prepared five or six stories that i could fit or frame into leadership / teamwork questions, if that makes sense. i basically went through my college and work experience and thought of the most meaningful events that occurred in that period and evaluated my role in them. and then i saw how i could weave them in, according to question type (leadership / teamwork / difficult time with coworker / etc.)

my interviewer was very patient, encouraging, easy to talk to, so that i relaxed as the interview went on thought i was very nervous at the beginning! the interview lasted one hour, forty minutes, with only the last twenty dedicated to my questions for him. time flew by, which i hope translates to a good review on both our parts. good luck to everyone!