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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off Campus

My interview was in London with an alum in his office. Through the CBS admissions page I received details of 3 alumni interviewers and he was the first one I called. We had to re-schedule the interview once as he had last minute meeting come up.

It didn’t really seem like an interview but was more of a conversation.

We started by talking about my career and the industry I work in. I have worked in US and Europe and spoke about cultural differences with some funny anecdotes. He asked me about my future goals and why I chose Columbia. He then asked if I have visited campus? I think it was very important to him. I mentioned that I had visited the campus when I was in NY which was about 3 years ago and he mentioned that I should visit it now to see if there have been any changes. He asked which other schools I was applying to. I gave 2-3 names and he went on to bash all of them. 🙂 Though to his credit he mentioned that there is only 1 school which is better in finance than CBS. Finally he asked me if I had any questions.

I think overall it lasted about 30-45 minutes. I also had a feeling that he was trying to sell me the school more than I was trying to sell myself.