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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Hub office Off-campus / Adcom

Interview lasted 30 min. Questions were broad (see below). I never got interrupted, no specific follow-up.

  • Can you tell me more on your academic experience. I see you have studied at university X and did an exchange to university Y. Can you tell me a bit more on those choices and the challenges you faced?
  • Why did you then choose to work in consulting and why firm Z in particular?
  • Can you tell me more about EC activity X?
  • Since last year, you got promoted. How did your leadership style evolve to deserve that promotion?
  • How are you different from all the other consultants?
  • In class, what type of profiles are you looking to meet? From who would you like to learn something?
  • What is your career vision? What are the steps you plan on taking to get there? What are the challenges you will face? How will an HBS MBA help you?
  • You seem very busy, you have a lot of EC activities. If you had more time, what would you do more?
  • How do you keep yourself informed? What do you read?
  • You are a re-applicant. Is there anything you would like to tell me about how you have evolved since last year?

I asked one question and then was walked out of the office…