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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom

I had my interview with an admissions officer on-campus. She was very friendly and took a minute to explain what I should expect, that the interview is not a make or break thing in the admissions process. We then quickly dived into the interview.

  • She started with a very broad question about my high school experience. How was it? Tell me how it happened? (one of my essays was about my high school experience).
  • Then she started asking me questions about my first job out of college: What were you thinking when you went into X? Next several questions were very specific to this job. (What do you think about their training program? Who do you admire in that industry? What’s the company’s position compared to its competitors? Where is the industry heading?)
  • Then she switched to talk about my current job. (Tell me about your typical day? What worries you about the company? What’s its long term strategy?)
  • Lastly, she asked me if there was anything I wanted her to ask me with time for 2 questions.

It was exactly 30 minutes and felt very short because she had a ton of follow-up questions to ask me. She often cut me off to ask the next question, but she seemed genuinely interested in hearing from me and was very polite. My advice is to be ready to talk about ANYTHING on your resume and your entire application, not just your essays. Overall, I enjoyed it. We’ll see what happens.