I had my interview on-campus with a representative from the adcom and it was *nothing* like what I learned online or from alumni. The interview was very personal and very stress-free.
The interviewer asked me nothing about why HBS or why MBA or why now or even why me. My background is in education and in nonprofit, so we mainly focused on my reasons for taking that path.
Apart from those questions were ones such as:
- name a business leader you admire (non-government).
- if you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
- what would be your dream job?
The interview was 30-minutes on the dot. There was no time for questions. As I was exiting she asked how I liked my stay in the area, and I had a chance to talk about how much I loved a class I visited a few days ago.
I am happy with how the interview went, but I obviously do not know what that means or how it will play into what I hear come April 2. Good luck to everyone reading this!