I did a class visit in the morning and a student lunch before my interview. I saw a few people being approached by their interviewers in the waiting area of Dillon House and ALL of the adcom was very friendly and pleasant. That was a nice surprise. My interviewer was pleasant and smiled throughout. No “stress” atmosphere at all. Could I’ve answered a couple of questions better? Sure, I should’ve given examples for every question and I didn’t. But I’m not going to overanalyze now. I’m glad it’s OVER.
- Tell me….what’s the link between your last job and your current one? How are they similar/different?
- Expand on your current role. (I told her I just got promoted so she asked what that meant in terms of responsibilities)
- Well…you’re going to have a graduate degree this year. So, why another one? Why an MBA?
- You tell me you’re a planner with 5 yr, 10 yr plans for yourself…so was the MBA planned, or a random thought?
- Why “industry X” in particular? Why is that your career vision? Explain the reasons to me.
- Seeing that you’re a marketer…..do you have the interest and the capability to handle the non marketing, very quantitative coursework of an HBS MBA?
- Give me a recent example of a quantitative project.
- What industry do you NOT see yourself in?
- How has your leadership style evolved?
- Why do people accept your leadership?
- How do you want your HBS classmates to remember you as?
- We don’t have any time for questions. Any last thing you want to tell us? Something you couldn’t cover in your application?