I really found all the posts in this site really helpful so I will share my experience. I showed up 20 minutes before the interview hour as requested. I was interviewed by a very kind a polite lady form the Admissions Office. As we walked up the stairs to her office we broke the ice and I told her about my LONG trip to Boston (I live in South America). We sat down and she explained to me the logistics of the interview (the time alloted, the fact that she was going to take notes, etc) and then the official interview began:
The interview started with a short walk through my experience at work. She asked me describe her, at a high level, each experience.
Then she asked me to tell her what I learned at my job. After I talked about the sills I developed she asked me to explain more on the specific things I learned about the business.
The next question was on a recent leadership experience.
She then made up a case and asked me to adress it and propose different solutions to it.
The next question was on who I am besides professional and academic background. She also asked me what book I was reading or what movie I had seen recently.
Finally she asked me if there was something I was expecting to talk about but was not asked.
I tried to remember as much as I could so it is useful for anybody reading this site. Good luck to you all!!