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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus

My interviewer was really friendly but when I went back and made notes about the interview, I realized she asked me LOTS of questions – lots more than I think others have had for Kellogg, so hopefully this is helpful for everyone.

Specifically (not necessarily in order):

  1. Walk through your resume / background
  2. What would your peers say are three things you bring to the team?
  3. What is your leadership style?
  4. What do you like to for fun?
  5. What is some feedback you’ve received from your superiors?
  6. This is your opportunity to sell us on you as a candidate. Are there any weaknesses in your application and how should we think about them?
  7. What are your goals and how does Kellogg fit into that picture? (near term and long term)
  8. What would you bring to the Kellogg community / how would you get involved?
  9. What is your biggest accomplishment at your current job?
  10. Follow up to that: can you talk about a technical experience accomplishment?
  11. Can you tell me about a time when there was an ambiguous goal to accomplish with no formal leadership?
  12. Tell me about a time when you were on a team that faced challenges? How did you navigate?
  13. Anything else I should know about you / opportunity to sell me on you?
  14. Questions for me?

It was rapid fire and interview was about 40 mins, including at least 5+ minutes at the end for her to answer some of my questions. She asked one or two follow up questions to the stories I told, so it made it hard to feel like we went below the surface. I would suggest candidates have multiple majors and clubs picked out that they would get involved with. I had one major and 2 clubs but she asked for more.