Interviewed with an Kellogg Alum in New Delhi during Kellogg Interview Day. My interview started with a brief introduction of the interviewer. I was able to recall her profile from the time when I attended a Kellogg Information Session and asked her a little about her work experience. This helps me in setting a context / baseline for sharing my stories during the interview. The interview lasted for over an hour (though scheduled to be 30-45 minutes). The interview was very conversational and the interviewer friendly.
The bulk of the interview was shaped around walk me through your resume. We had a high level conversation on the nature of my work, the organizational structure within which I operate, the kind of clients I work with, the difference b/w the two companies where I worked – basically addressing the transition points in my career. We also discussed my educational background background, reasons for choosing my undergraduate major, and how that led to the first organizational I worked.
We narrowed down on a few challenging professional experiences and through these experiences we discussed the following:
- how I navigated through the situation; what i did in those situations
- what results I generated; significant accomplishments
- what interpersonal skills i demonstrated during those moments
Besides the above, during the conversation, following questions got answered. Some the interviewer asked, others I brought up during the conversation.
- Why an MBA now (i just have two years WE)
- What three things I will take away from Kellogg (besides the experience to advance my career, increase salary etc)
- Whether I would like to me a leader or a team player (interviewer was interested in understanding my though process on how I approach this question)
- What one thing have i learned from my different professional experiences, organizations
- What risks I took
- What I do for fun
- We discussed a few common books that we had read
Over all, the bulk of the interview was based on my professional experience, and career progression. All the best to others for their interviews.