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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off campus

I met with the alum at a Coffee-shop on a Saturday morning. He was a young alum (09) and was already in the coffee shop though I was fifteen minutes early. He swung by right on time and joined me on my table. After some quick casual chat about the city, he said it was really informal, he wanted to make it quick and easy and just learn of why I wanted to attend Kellogg. He was extremely disarming and did not even crack open my resume since I’d sent it the previous night. My pad-folio stayed shut and we just spoke. Interview was about forty minutes though formal questions was just 30 mins. (note: my interviewer was a consultant and his style was very unique – well worded questions with very interesting open ended structure)

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What was your (current) employer like
  • Why the career shift/path thus far
  • How has your role / leadership / work experience changed across the years
  • Has seniority led to anything unique in experience/learning?
  • Why MBA, Why Now?
  • Why Kellogg among all schools?
  • What do you want to do at Kellogg and what do you want to be your legacy?
  • What kind of leaders do you not enjoy working with/for
  • When have you had to change leadership style/approach?
  • GMAT + application + transcript says something about you – what is missing that you would like to add?
  • Questions?

I asked about his most memorable experience of Kellogg & also how he felt about entrepreneurship (Since he expressed interest in E, but longer term). That evolved into a 10 minute conversation deep-dive on how b-schools are structured – typical consulting type analysis and we resonated a bit. Time will tell if that leads to an admit!