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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumn / Off-Campus

Interview in a Caffe Nero, nice interviewer, put me comfortable from the beginning. He said that the interview would last about 1 hour, it actually lasted 1h20. He started to explain to me his background before/after Kellogg and then handed over to me to present myself. Questions he asked:

  • Go through my work experiences
  • Why MBA / Career aspirations
  • Why Kellogg
  • Why not just keep working
  • How I would contribute to Kellogg
  • Other schools I applied to
  • If accepted to two or more, how I would go about and make my decision
  • How I have dealt with diversity in the past and how I think I will handle moving to the US and being in a US school
  • How I work in and contribute to teams
  • How do people see me
  • What is my leadership style
  • Who do I admire and why
  • Extra curricular activities
  • How did the GMAT go and what I found difficult about it
  • Anything I wish he had asked me
  • Anything that worries me about my application

I hope this helps. My advice in terms of preparation for Kellogg interviews is to know well how to talk about your work experiences and how to demonstrate teamwork skills/experience, I felt that the focus on teamwork was very high. And in general, the best is to be relaxed and yourself.