Interview lasted 75 minutes, held at Panera. Interviewer was friendly and informal but professional. Got into the questions pretty quickly. The list is not in order after the first one.
- Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? (all in one)
- Why do you want to make this particular career transition? What attracts you to the field? (not exact words, but that was the general sense)
- What clubs do you plan to join?
- What five words would your friends use to describe you? Then: If you heard them use these words, what one would make you the proudest?
- Leadership example
- Example where you weren’t the leader
- Do you find yourself filling leadership gaps in a group when they exist?
- What is the one thing in your *life* that you are the proudest of?
My interviewer was particularly adept at picking up on the little comments I would make and reading into them. My recommendation is to just talk. Don’t be afraid to go off on tangents in your answers as long as you eventually get back to addressing the specific question.
RESULT: Rejected May 12th 2010