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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus

Pretty straight forward, only hiccups is that the Alum requested we meet a food court at 7 pm and it closed at 7:05. She didn’t know the area that well but thankfully, I had noticed Ruby Tuesdays so we went there for an iced tea. Not sure what the takeaway is but helpful to have back-up locations.

  • Walk me through your resume. Only probing question: she asked how I built clients in my industry ( I am an entrepreuneur) but accepted my answer.
  • Why an MBA
  • Why Now
  • Why Kellogg
  • Tell me about how you work in Teams
  • What do you struggle with? What skill set is difficult for you?
  • Questions

Whole Interview lasted an hour with the relocation time.

She directly consulted from what looked to be a printout question list and took over 2 pages of notes. She appreciate comments about Chicago and my knowledge of the school’s programs.