Courtesy of A dreamer’s journey to b-school
The interviewer, called X, was an alumni of the school. X and I scheduled to meet on a weekday evening. As always my sweet husband , my b-school journey supporter, accompanied me. I reached around 20 mins early and waited outside the rendezvous point. X came in 5 mins early from the meeting time and we quickly grabbed some coffee and sat down on a table.
I noticed that X had already highlighted certain portions in my resume. I’m was thinking, is he going to ask all these questions from my resume?
Anyways, X started off the interview by giving me some guidelines about the whole importance of interview and also warned me not to get worried if he starts scribbling on the paper while I’m talking. I noticed that he had already written down some statements (i think those were questions) on a sheet of paper.
First X introduced himself in a very detailed casual way and started off by asking me to ‘run through my professional resume’. I did it – in a fine way, I guess. I spoke in a way as to highlight my varied experience on different client projects and also some achievements.
Next question , Why Kellogg, Why now? I mentioned about the various aspects of Kellogg that attracted me and also quoted the programs and clubs that were relevant to my career goals. X built on it and asked me what other clubs at Kellogg I would be part of. I answer promptly and also drop an idea for a new club that I had in mind….I could see some eyebrow raising (in a +ve way i’d say).
X then asked me about difficult situation in a team, what kind of a leader I am.
A somewhat different question , or may be a regular questions put in a different way was-what are you proud of. I am satisfied with the way I answered.
Then X asked me, “I don’t get to see your application. All I have is your resume. So tell me, what do you think your application’s weaknesses are’. I answered it too.
Later X asked me about a failure experience and then opened up the table for me to ask him questions. I asked about a club I’m interested in and something that he was part of too. I ask a couple of other questions. X had already given me biz card at the beginning of the interview and told me that I can get in touch anytime between now and the application submissions for adding any more info to what we discussed in the interview.
Finally we said best wishes to each other and departed. As I sat at the coffee table I couldn’t help but feel good about the amicably persona somehow all Kellogg alumni seem to have…hmm…The one thing I regret is in spite of having excellent extra -curricular expereince I failed to highlight it in my answers… :(.
But overall not too bad for a first interview :). I walked in feeling absolutely no pressure and that helped. I don’t know what the result would be, but I’ll just hope for the best.