I met with an alum at Starbuck. As the interviewer send mail last night (and I got the mail in the morning), I made a mistake in the time. But the alum is nice and he agree to change the time.
The interview carries in a casual manner. The interviewer is from Consulting and down-to-earth.
The standard questions I was asked:
- Walk me through your resume on how you got to where you are today.
- Why an MBA?
- Why Kellogg?
- Career Goal
- Strengths and Weaknesses?
- Any Question for me?
The interview lasted around 1 hour. Beyond the standard questions, we had many discussions on my job, the expansion of my company, and the the industry I am working in.
I don’t know why I was Dinged but I suppose Kellogg interview is not as important as many other schools’.