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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On Campus / Adcom

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Well this one comes from the Chicago O’Hare airport.. I am on my way back from Evanston after my interview at Kellogg.. The best way to kill time while I wait for my flight would be to pen down my Kellogg Interview Experience..

Overall, I would not rate my interview good.. L.. not all went my way in this one.. It was an interview with adcom, on-campus… I would say the connection was just missing … For some reason, I was unable to share so many things that I would have liked to share with the Adcom.. Although, there was nothing wrong with the interview.. bt the little ‘extra’ which would make the interview from ordinary to extra-ordinary was missing…there were some googlies.. bt I think I handled most of them.. what was surprising was the lack of the standard questions like Why Kellogg?, What will you contribute to the class? etc. and that is where I think I missed out on certain things.. e.g. I didn’t mention GIM at all.. now who would do that in his/her Kellogg interview.. and especially when I think I that those kinds of events are where I can contribute the most… Anyways, here are the questions..

  • Tell me something about your undergrad experience..
  • Ok, let’s talk about your experiences at work.. what have been your accomplishments
  • So, what do your clients say about you and what feedback have you received.
  • Okk.. what did your manager see, that he gave you that he promoted you to this role..(jst gave one-two points here could have added a lot more…)
  • If everything is going so good, then why go for MBA..
  • Lot of people here at Kellogg have the same post-mba short term goal as yours.. What alternative do you have in case everything doesn’t go well bcoz of the competition.
  • What do people misperceive about you in first meeting?
  • Tell me something that I cannot see from your resume.. (I gave one point here.. bt could have talked about a lot more LL.. sad abt that.. )
  • What clubs would you like to be involved at Kellogg.. (again jst mentioned the names of the clubs.. didn’t get into the details why these clubs appeal to me.. and what I could add to them.. )
  • Is there anything that you want to add.. Something that we have not covered…
  • Do you have any questions for me?

My Verdict: Could have been better.. marginal call on the –ve side.. Kellogg’s verdict: Awaited.. (with fingers crossed)