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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alumni / R1

The interviewer opened by asking me to spend a few minutes taking him step by step from the time I started college until today. When we reached the point at which I was to discuss my work experience, he began asking specific questions, asking about my biggest challenge at work, how my superiors perceive my leadership skills and the degree to which my responsibilities involve teamwork. With the exception of the aforementioned, the interviewer did not really ask many pointed questions (in contrast to some of the interviewers described below), as the structure was far more along the lines of a conversation than an interview. Through this format, I was able to discuss some points I thought he would ask about (career goals, interest in Kellogg, etc.) in a casual and natural fashion.

The interview seemed to run its course after about 20 minutes (as, by that point, he felt he got a good enough feel for my qualities and enough to evaluate me on), and the last 10 minutes were largely spent discussing some of the interviewer’s Kellogg-related experiences, as well as his advice for me. I do not know how representative my interview was, but I hope my commentary is at least somewhat insightful.