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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Adcom / Round 2

The Kellogg interview was fairly straight-forward. Since the interviews are conducted blind, the adcom member is looking at your resume with fresh eyes. We did a standard resume walk-through that consisted of:

  • Why undergraduate school/major?
  • Why first job?
  • Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now?
  • Short/long-term goals? How will Kellogg help you acheive them?

After that, there were several teamwork-oriented questions, like how I would contribute to, and benefit from, working in teams at Kellogg.

Just an observation–Kellogg interviews (what seems to be) dozens of people a day, and the admissions office will be packed with other applicants on the day of your visit. Since you are on your own to plan out your day at Kellogg (i.e. class visit, tour, info session, student lunch, and interview), there will be a lot of down time where you are just waiting in the admissions office for the next activity. My advice is to quickly make friends with some of the other applicants, because you’ll end up spending most of the day next to them. Plus, it re-emphasizes your strength in working/socializing in groups.