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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 (Accepted) / Alum

My interview was conducted in a Starbucks near my home. The good thing was the interview tone was very casual but the bad part was that I probably ended being the best dressed guy (read misfit) at Starbucks that evening. I was a reapplicant (waitlisted through summer last year) so this interview was optional for me but I still choose to take it to better tell my story. The interview went very well.

The main highlights/questions were:

  • Why Kellogg (I shared a lot of my enthusiasm about the school..the interviewer commented that I knew more about the school than she did).
  • Some team based questions from both professional and non-professional settings.
  • The interviewers was very friendly and had done her homework in terms of having prepared notes for asking specific questions related to information on my resume.

I believe the interview is more about finding a fit than anything else.