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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions

We had a detailed discussion and the interviewer seemed pleased that I had done a lot of research about Kellogg and what I could gain from the program. The questions were casual and a lot of informal chat was mixed in. The interviewer had a sheet on which he was making notes in different sections. He also seemed to have a piece of paper with some standard questions. Although the overall tone was friendly, there were a fair number of probing questions in between each answer I gave.


  • Walk me thru your resume.
  • What are you long term goals?
  • What are your short term goals?
  • How will you go about achieving my long term goals?
  • What is your most significant accomplishment?
  • Major failure?
  • Have you dealt with conflicts in team? How have you resolved them?
  • How would you motivate a team?
  • Have you faced any challenges working in a multinational team?
  • What have you done (major accomplishments) outside of work?
  • Have you faced any major challenges outside of work?
  • Why Kellogg?
  • How did you learn about Kellogg?
  • How would you contribute to Kellogg?
  • Why are you interested in Kellogg from a personal perspective?
  • What would Kellogg students say about you after a few months?