Monday morning, bright and early, I met my Kellogg interviewer at this office for a 40 minute chat. This was better then the Anderson experience, but it was not brilliant. It is so much harder interviewing for school as compared to a job, where you know exactly what the position requires and can emphasize just those points to strengthen your candidacy. My interviewer was a recent grad (’05) and had really great things to say about the school. He also came across as sounding very honest when talking about the competition for jobs in San Francisco, as it is one of the top desired cities for graduates. He asked me to go over my resume and work experiences. Turned out that he used to also work for delete so we had that in common. Of course the token “Why Kellogg?” question was asked, along with “What are the two qualities a leader must possess?” and “What is the one thing you will bring to the school and share with your class?”. He also asked me to talk about the challenge of leading a team from one of my past experiences.