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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Student / On Campus

I did my interview on campus on Tuesday. I was able to do the campus tour and class visit on Monday – it was very enjoyable. The students and staff were very welcoming, and I got to confirm a lot of the reasons for which I chose to apply to the school.

The interviewer was friendly – she started with an introduction about herself.

She then asked me to walk her through the professional section of my resume. I just gave a little background to explain why I chose to work in that field and then went into the details of the job. Gave examples along the way, and brought in the “why MBA” part. However, I didn’t talk about “why Wharton” – I should have brought that in too.

Three behavioral questions, no surprises – I don’t remember the exact wording but that’s the gist of it:

  1. When was a time you had to lead a team and one of the members was less motivated. What did you do about it?
  2. Discuss a time when you had to resolve a conflict between two people on your team
  3. Discuss a time when you had to convince someone of an idea and how did it affect your communication style

There were a few follow-up questions throughout.

And at the end she asked if I had any questions. I had already gotten many answers to my questions the previous day during the campus visit so I told her I was not going to ask any more questions about the program but asked her one question specific to her personal experience. She really liked the question. She went into a lot of details about how she perceived the Wharton experience. It was very helpful.

We ended it there, and she walked me out. Was about 35 min.

Overall, it went well I think and really, there are no surprises. Just think of major experiences you had at work or outside that helped you put your leadership and communication skills to test. It’s all about showing how reacted to such events.