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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom / Off-Campus

My interview was at at a hub location with a member of the adcom. She was professional, but very nice. The interview took just over half an hour and seemed more like a discussion than anything else, as she would converse back and forth with me during the questions.

Intro Questions:

  • She asked about what I am doing right now, and we launched into a discussion about my job history.
  • “Why do you want get an MBA? Why now?”

Behavioral Questions:

  • “Describe a time when you worked with someone more or less experienced with you, and they disagreed or had conflict with you, and how did you resolve this conflict.”
  • “Describe a time you pushed forward or championed a cause or initiative, and what did you do to influence people?”


  • “Anything else you want to discuss?”
  • “Any questions of your own?”

Overall, a very friendly and positive interview. One thing to note, the question “Why Wharton” never directly came up. I brought it in a little bit, but not as much as I could have in retrospect. Hope it goes well!