I had my on-campus interview with a 2nd year student. Interviewer was friendly and explained the process. He introduced himself and said that he has 3 questions that he has been instructed to ask. He also explained that he will be taking a lot of notes during the process and asking me follow up questions.
His questions to me (in order):
- What do you do in (my city)? (I explained my current job profile)
- Walk me through your resume
Behavioral questions (His note taking begins)
- Tell me about a time when you had to manage someone very senior to you in your team/ organization/ client.
- Tell me about a time when someone did not agree with you at first and you convinced them of your opinion. (How exactly did you do it? What was their reaction? Did they agree immediately or it took several attempts?)
- Tell me about a time when you were unsuccessful at a task/ managing a team and what will do you do differently now.
- Do you have any questions for me
He then handed me his business card and asked me to get in touch with him if I had further questions about the process/ Wharton or anything related. He then walked me out the door.
I believe each 2nd years student has same/ similar set of questions they need to ask their interviewees. If you have used this page to prepare for the interview, please come back and share your experience. This will help others in the process.
Goodluck everyone!